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House Bill 33

House Bill 33

Phil Haunschild
January 25, 2017

Bill Description: This legislation allows the director of the Idaho State Police to revoke permits issued to companies who ship wine directly to homes.

Rating: -1

Does it give government any new, additional, or expanded power to prohibit, restrict, or regulate activities in the free market?

This bill would expand the power of the state government to suspend or revoke a direct wine shipping permit. The bill proposes this authority be added to the permit revocation powers of the director of the Idaho State Police.

In 2006, the state passed a law requiring a permit for wine director shippers. In order to get a permit, a winery needs to register with the state, pay fees associated with the permit and post a bond. The law also places labeling requirements on shippers.

Idaho Code 23-1331 already authorizes the director to suspend, revoke or refuse to renew permits and licenses for retail wine, wine by the drink, wine distributors, wine importers, wineries and vintners. This bill would add direct shippers of wine, giving new powers to the state police. (-1)

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